Sunday, 21 September 2008

Spirits Speak Of Eggs

Once again an entity has named an object when requested, again using SpeakerJet Allophones as the wav file in EVP Maker.

What's more, the answer was given before I asked the question!

In this case the object before me was a pair of eaten boiled eggs in a double egg cup.

The question was---"Please name the object to which I'm pointing"
And the answer given before I said those words was--"OK I'll tell you-This eaten egg".

I have included the sound file here twice.

#1 includes my question-(with the answer before it). Listen Here

#2 Is the answer only, with pitch raised to make it clearer. Listen Here

Saturday, 26 July 2008

Beer Bottle EVP

This was recorded at home recently using Speaker Jet Allophones and EVP maker into Sony B26 digital recorder using the mic of the recorder.

Speak Jet Allophones is a file created by Stefan Bion of VTF-The German Association for Transcommunication Research. Stefan is also the creator of the EVP Maker software. Both of these are available as free downloads from his site.

Having just consumed a bottle of fine German beer (just one!) I held up the bottle and asked "Please tell me what this object is in my hand"

I would have been happy just to get some mention of a bottle, but was amazed to hear the reply "Beer Bottle's Empty"

In the attached clip I have reduced the gap between my question and the answer from 6 seconds to approx 3 seconds, and reduced the volume of the "gibberish" between my question and the answer.

However you can still hear the entity trying to form the words before he finally manages it.

CLICK HERE to hear the clip.

Friday, 30 May 2008

EVP Recording Instruments and Methods

The early researchers such as Dr. Konstantin Raudive (pictured here) and Friedrich Juergenson used reel to reel tape recorders.

After that for many years casette tape recorders were widely used, and sometimes still are.

More recently small digital hand held voice recorders have become very popular, as they have many advantages, particularly easy transportation.

It seems that any device capable of recording sound can be used for EVPs. What is needed is some kind of background noise which the entities use to form the words. This can be internal noise in the recorder or recording medium (such as the white noise on recording tape or the internal noise in digital recorders on their low quality long play settings) Noise such as the hum of fans or running water or recorded crowd babble can also be used.
The above methods are now regarded as "traditional"

More recently other methods based on radio sound are becoming very popular. In particular a method known as "radio sweep" is giving very good results for many people, myself included. The method consists of turning a radio tuning dial while recording to any recording device. It must be turned fast enough so that no individual words from broadcasts are recorded.The entities make use of the word fragments to leave messages on the recorder. Sometimes the messages seem to "float"over the recorded sound.

CLICK HERE to hear a sample I recorded using the fm band of a radio and a Olympus digital recorder.

To my ears the message says "We have no doubt Chrissy loves her"

There are variations of this method also, and I will mention them in future posts,

Best Regards,


Friday, 29 February 2008

A Physics Professor Investigates VoicesOf Dead

I receive Victor Zammit's(A Lawyer Presents the case for the Afterlife) weekly report about the afterlife, and today he drew attention to Danny Penman's article "Electronic Voices From Beyond The Grave"

This is how the article begins:-

As the wind howls outside his lab, the physics professor tells me about the first message he received on his equipment: “A voice came through and said quite clearly ‘We are the dead. We are still able to think and speak.” “I was a bit shaken,” he smiles. But that was just the first of Professor Senkowski’s ‘messages from the dead’. Shortly afterwards he received a message from his father, who’d died many years previously. “Ernst my little dwarf,”. The Professor recalls his father’s ghostly voice as saying. “He spoke in a little used Prussian dialect. And no one but my father used, or even knew, that nickname.” “I was not a believer. I’m a physicist. But all of the evidence I’ve seen confirms that the dead are trying to communicate with us.”


Monday, 25 February 2008

First Post --- The Voice of An Unknown Entity

For my first posting of an EVP, I wanted one that is reasonably clear. Many evps are very soft and whispery, and very hard to hear. Eventually after a lot of listening you can develop an ear for the strange timbres and unusual cadences of these voices.

I recorded this sample at home last month on a Sony digital Voice Recorder. I have cleaned it up a little by removing hiss and background noise.

What I hear is a female voice saying "What happened to me-
I don't know"
Sometimes instead of "I don't know" I hear "what happened to me" repeated. That is one of the strange characteristics of these voices-they can sometimes morph into something else as you listen.

CLICK HERE to hear it for yourself. You should be able to hear it over your speakers, though it may be clearer if you listen on headphones. By the way these voices speak
very fast, so you will have to listen very carefully.

I don't know who this person is; she is one of the random voices I often pick up when recording. But I have included it here as an illustration of a reasonably clear EVP.

I hope you find it interesting.

In a later post I will have more to say about this EVP, and will provide evidence as to its paranormal origin.

Best Regards for now,
