Monday 25 February 2008

First Post --- The Voice of An Unknown Entity

For my first posting of an EVP, I wanted one that is reasonably clear. Many evps are very soft and whispery, and very hard to hear. Eventually after a lot of listening you can develop an ear for the strange timbres and unusual cadences of these voices.

I recorded this sample at home last month on a Sony digital Voice Recorder. I have cleaned it up a little by removing hiss and background noise.

What I hear is a female voice saying "What happened to me-
I don't know"
Sometimes instead of "I don't know" I hear "what happened to me" repeated. That is one of the strange characteristics of these voices-they can sometimes morph into something else as you listen.

CLICK HERE to hear it for yourself. You should be able to hear it over your speakers, though it may be clearer if you listen on headphones. By the way these voices speak
very fast, so you will have to listen very carefully.

I don't know who this person is; she is one of the random voices I often pick up when recording. But I have included it here as an illustration of a reasonably clear EVP.

I hope you find it interesting.

In a later post I will have more to say about this EVP, and will provide evidence as to its paranormal origin.

Best Regards for now,


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