Saturday, 26 July 2008

Beer Bottle EVP

This was recorded at home recently using Speaker Jet Allophones and EVP maker into Sony B26 digital recorder using the mic of the recorder.

Speak Jet Allophones is a file created by Stefan Bion of VTF-The German Association for Transcommunication Research. Stefan is also the creator of the EVP Maker software. Both of these are available as free downloads from his site.

Having just consumed a bottle of fine German beer (just one!) I held up the bottle and asked "Please tell me what this object is in my hand"

I would have been happy just to get some mention of a bottle, but was amazed to hear the reply "Beer Bottle's Empty"

In the attached clip I have reduced the gap between my question and the answer from 6 seconds to approx 3 seconds, and reduced the volume of the "gibberish" between my question and the answer.

However you can still hear the entity trying to form the words before he finally manages it.

CLICK HERE to hear the clip.

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