Sunday, 21 September 2008

Spirits Speak Of Eggs

Once again an entity has named an object when requested, again using SpeakerJet Allophones as the wav file in EVP Maker.

What's more, the answer was given before I asked the question!

In this case the object before me was a pair of eaten boiled eggs in a double egg cup.

The question was---"Please name the object to which I'm pointing"
And the answer given before I said those words was--"OK I'll tell you-This eaten egg".

I have included the sound file here twice.

#1 includes my question-(with the answer before it). Listen Here

#2 Is the answer only, with pitch raised to make it clearer. Listen Here


Unknown said...

Thanks for your blog. I just started doing EVP recordings within the last year and have some great ones - also relevant to the current situation, showing intelligence. I just started trying to listen with the EVP maker and speakjet all phone. What settings do you use on the speak jet? Does it just take some listening to train the ear? So far it's so fast I haven't had any luck. Feel free to email me, Thanks again for your blog and getting out the word on the kindness of many spirits!


Niall E. said...

Sarah, thank you so much for dropping by! I just noticed your comment, as I am in course of reviving my long dormant blog. I haven't used speakerjet for a long time, and don't recall the settings, Best Regards, Will.